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College Tailgate

The first NEU Tailgate of 2016 was on September 28.. We asked 6th, 7th, and 8th graders which college they wanted to go to. 6th grader Natalie said that she wanted to go to Sacramento State. We also asked them what their dream career was. 6th grader Jesus said that he wanted to be a Jet Pilot when he grows up and 7th grader Alex said that he wanted to go

to Oregon State. When we asked the 7th graders what their dream career would be most of the 7th graders said that they wanted to be a professional soccer player. 8th grader Alexa said that she wanted to go to the University of Southern California (USC) and she wanted to be a professional Soccer player. Mrs. Guardado and Ms. Jones were at the Tailgate and we asked them which college they went to. Mrs. Guardado said that she first went to Sky Line Community College then she went to San Francisco State and graduated in 2009. Ms. Jones went to Eastern Washington University and graduated in 2003. We also asked them what do they love the most about the tailgate. Mrs. Guardado said she likes watching kids play games and watching them have fun. Ms. Jones said she likes how more and more people get the college information showing that their interested in going to College.

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